Thursday, January 12, 2006

High-tech Cars Replacing Driver Skill?

This will indeed be a scary day. When the computer in the car screws up, people start to get into pile-ups....not a good thing.

High-tech Cars Replacing Driver Skill?: "Nick writes 'What happens when you take a bunch of average drivers, put them in a car with no high-tech systems like anti-lock brakes and traction control, and ask them to drive on a safety test track? 360-degree spins, of course. And not only do today's drivers need ABS and traction control to keep their cars under control, it also turns out most drivers can't even name the high tech safety systems that are continually saving their butts. And to make matters worse, carmakers plan to install automatic radar-based blind-spot checkers so motorists can avoid looking over their shoulders while changing lanes. Even geeks find some of these technologies scary, including Wired's Bruce Gain, who drove Mercedes' S-Class with automatic braking.'"

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